Tuesday, November 3, 2009

National Standards Why the Big Fuss?

The National Standards have been release in school and we are to start using them in 2010. They were and are a political agenda- an election promise. They set out some guidelines for achievement expectations for all children. They have been rushed into schools (for staff a three month lead in as opposed to 3 years for the Revised Curriculum) and they promise much.
Why the fuss?
Internationally they have failed to deliver. The UK is now moving away from National Standards as they have created winner and looser schools, schools where children come from homes where rest, nutrition, literature, love and kindness are not important typically achieve very poorly on National Standards- this should not be a surprise to us. 70% of the achievement outcomes of a child is determine by "home" factors. National standards (and this means testing) will not change that.
National Standards lead to league tables- these help no one.
League tables and national standards do not take into account "value added" that is what the teacher is able to do to improve outcomes for a child who comes to school with little or no language, little or no support at home and special behavioural or learning needs.
We are told:
Parents want accountability- we have ERO!
Parents want plain language - most schools have been offering it
Parents want to see where their child sits compared to national standards- I disagree if we gave parents what they want most say where does my child sit in relation to the class! Regardless schools (including Windsor) already do this with asttle , star, NZ exemplars...

If National standards are so important why not allow the time to upskill teachers, consider the research and feedback internationally and trial a system in NZ?

We have a world class Curriculum- it is at risk- schools and teachers may well start teaching to the test so that they perform well in national standards and in the media- a sad day for our nation.

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