One of the most positive aspects of Windsor School is the commitment to partnering together for our children. This was evidenced over the last two nights where over 95% of our parents booked online and attended our student led- 3 Way learning conferences. The remaining 5% will make a time in the next few weeks to hear about their child's strengths, needs, goals and key competency development. How exciting to have such a commitment from our families.
There are some reasons for this:
1. We welcome our families on day one at our Powhiri and affirm the key role they have played and will continue to play in the successful upbringing of their children.
2. We honor our parents as first teachers and we value their intimate knowledge of their child
3. We commit to valuing their time in a practical way but not sending home meaningless homework
4. We offer home learning alternatives that re in force our belief in the value of authentic home learning
5. We regularly seek ways to welcome our families to the school and seek their input through opportunities such as the Pukeko Cafe and regular consultation evenings.
6. Our focus is about developing lifelong learners. Children who can articulate what they are learning, why they are learning it and where they will learn best.
7. We sincerely believe that if we partner together we can achieve more.
I must admit I am challenged then when I still hear of schools in 2012 holding "Parent interviews" where the child is not present. Why do this?
If the interview is about the child and his or her learning why isn't the child present. To omit the child creates uncertainty, it re inforces the mystique that can surround learning and it re inforces chinese whispers. Can you imagine going to your annual appraisal and being told you are not needed, rather other people will talk about you and some information (who knows what) might be shared with you...?
In 2012 (in fact for many years) there really is no place in NZ for learning conferences that do not include the child if we want to uphold the principles and values of the New Zealand Curriculum.
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