Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What are our children learning?

Nuthall's findings about what children are learning compared to what is being taught is a real challenge to teachers and schools. If there is a significant difference between the two then basically we are wasting time.
In Christchurch in 2012 I believe there is a 'sense of urgency' for learning. After the events of 2010 and 2011 we cannot afford to waste time on busy activities when meaningful learning is needed. So what do we need to do?
One option is for teachers to continually reflect on their practice through questioning their children. A simple "What have we been learning?" can start the process - provided- the teacher does not then try to explain to the child what the intention was until they get it right or say "Come on you know what we are learning!"
If they cannot articulate it they don't know! If they cannot give examples they don't know, if they cannot apply it in another context they don't know.
Rather gathering data and then reflecting on responses may help teachers to refine their practice so that there is less of a gap between the learning intention and the actually learning taking place.
There is really nothing to lose. If a child does not know what he is learning and the teacher realizes this and then refines the teaching what a great outcome!
This is an ongoing challenge for u at Windsor and something that we are asking ourselves and our children.

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