Sunday, July 26, 2009

Consultation with our Maori Community

We had the pleasure of speaking with a small group of parents regarding achievement and well being of Maori children at Windsor school this morning. While Windsor only has 3.6% of children who are identified as "Maori" we have over 40% who choose to participate in our Kapa Haka programme! 

The interest and enthusiasm shown by our children is in large part due to the positive attitude to Te Reo Maori (the language) and Tikanga Maori (the culture) at Windsor. Our Maori community members play a vital role in the success of our Kapa Haka programme as well as offering support for our Te Reo (in class language). As our motto says we are "Learning together with PRIDE"- “Whakãko Pehapeha Tahi Tãtou”. 

The participants at todays meeting were able to add more suggestions for our programmes and contacts that may be useful for the future. If you have any suggestions for our Maori programmes please contact me.

The Team from "Panto Pantonime" with the golden goose line up for a photo prior to their first performance. This production was one of the five options available to Team Takahe on Friday afternoons in Terms 1 & 2. The children performed for two nights to over 250 friends and family members to rave reviews. 
This is another way that we are able to encourage "CHILL Factor" (Children Leading Their Learning) at Windsor. The children in the senior school have been involved in a wide range of authentic, real time learning contexts over the last two terms.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Future Focus

Our school wide focus for terms 2 & 3 is the Future. Each team took a different context (ranging from organising a camp, to school in the future and future transport) and each team also had a different deep understanding they were developing. 
There were a wide range of stimulating activities to get our children into the "Ponder" stage of this PAI (Ponder, Activate, Innovate) learning module. Above you can see an award winning solar powdered car that has raced against the best in the world and here it is in our back field!

WOW Fridays in Team Takahe

For the last two terms Team Takahe have been involved in Wow Fridays. The learning experiences that were available to the children included:
- Tool time
- Pai Kai Cafe
- Mural Mahem
- Production team
The children had the opportunity to participate in a wide range of activities and presented dance, drama, food, art, conferences, bird feeders, mountain bike jumps and much more for our community and the wider canterbury community.

Parent Consultation Night

It was wonderful to have over 100 parents come to school for a information and consultation night.
Teams of Windsor Staff provided workshops in numeracy, literacy, PRIDE Challenges and our Integrated learning "PAI" Modules. We received a lot of very positive feedback from parents following the evening as well as many fantastic suggestions and ideas around what a successful leader and learner looks like at Windsor. 
We watched a provocative clip called "Did you know" This clip put us in a good frame of mind to consider the real need for educational content and purpose for 21C learners.
This evening will be followed by another on Wednesday 2nd September at 7:00pm in the school hall- please join us!