We had the pleasure of speaking with a small group of parents regarding achievement and well being of Maori children at Windsor school this morning. While Windsor only has 3.6% of children who are identified as "Maori" we have over 40% who choose to participate in our Kapa Haka programme!
The interest and enthusiasm shown by our children is in large part due to the positive attitude to Te Reo Maori (the language) and Tikanga Maori (the culture) at Windsor. Our Maori community members play a vital role in the success of our Kapa Haka programme as well as offering support for our Te Reo (in class language). As our motto says we are "Learning together with PRIDE"- “Whakãko Pehapeha Tahi Tãtou”.
The participants at todays meeting were able to add more suggestions for our programmes and contacts that may be useful for the future. If you have any suggestions for our Maori programmes please contact me.